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Ao no kiseki pc crack

Originally posted by Tiasmoon:You have to understand that the ''purists'' care more about the translation not being done by XSEED regardless of its quality. It was around then that the project was abandoned with a lot of acrimony and a lot of misinformation being spouted by both sides, misinformation that is at least partially due to the two sides offering too simplistic explanations for what happened. They kept going however, and got to the point where the mainline story was supposed to be fully edited with only side quests and NPC dialogues that weren't done. This caused an uproar, and as you can imagine also caused turmoil within the team itself. A leak of a build with the translation before it had completed the editing pass happened, which caused a lot of people to think the unedited version was indicative of what the final quality would be like. Then the plan was to go through with an editing pass to transform that into something that, while still fairly literal, was at least understandable if not outright enjoyable to read. They had translators go through and do a flat, literal, and pretty much unreadable straight translation of the Japanese text. The team that originally worked on it did the work in basically two passes. It also was never about people wanting an XSEED localization versus a literal translation.

ao no kiseki pc crack

The situation with the Crossbell fan translations was never as simplistic as it's being portrayed in this thread.

Ao no kiseki pc crack